Monday, August 25, 2014

Not Finished Yet

Dear Friends and Family,

I return to Malawi, Africa tomorrow and will be standing on Malawian soil in a mere three days. It is still unbelievable how far God has brought me. Only a few short months ago I was lying unconscious in a hospital bed, and now here I am preparing to return and teach. This letter and post is for all of you who have supported, prayed, and walked with me through this incredibly difficult and miraculous journey and would like to continue with me; my story and ministry in Malawi did not end on April 15th, 2014.

This year I will be once again be working at ABC Academy and teaching a class of eighteen fourth graders. Outside of that, I am looking forward to working more consistently with the orphans and in the villages of Malawi. I am in no way the same person I was last August. This calling and mission has changed who I am and how I see the world. The burning desire to reach out has only escalated since my accident, and I want to help others be a part of impacting a different culture. Whether through pray (which is most important and the only reason I am even able to return), financial support, encouragement, or packages, I want to invite anyone to be involved. Every ounce of love and support is appreciated and needed. I want to ask that anyone who feels called will step out in faith with me and walk beside me this upcoming year.
Already, I have felt the surrounding arms from the church and people all across the world. When I arrive, I have backpacks to distribute from Grace Community Church, a projector to use from amazing and passionate Terry Broadwater (who has the privilege of watching from Heaven), and numerous notes, words, and donations from so many.

I want to open the door for all of you to be involved in the unbelievable mission God has set before me. Thank you to all who have been there for me this past year. Without all the prayers and support, I wouldn’t be here today. I am excited for the new adventure ahead and the opportunity to continue ministering in Malawi. I would ask that you would do at least one of these three things. First and most vital, I need prayer. Please keep me in your prayers, for safety, wisdom, and strength. Second, if you would like to help financially you can donate on the ABC site by following this link: Simply, find my name and follow the donation instructions. Lastly, if you would like to send care packages, gifts for students, or the orphans you can send anything to this address: African Bible College- Danielle Jenson PO Box 1028 | Area 47 Plot 530 | Lilongwe Malawi | South East Africa

Thank you again for your love, generosity, and prayers. God's work for me in Malawi is not finished yet. I look forward to sharing the stories of Christ to all of you!



    Tuesday, August 5, 2014

    Left my fear by the side of the road

    Almost four months ago my life was radically changed. Little did I know, that my last post on April 14th was to mark the beginning of a painful and unbelievable experience. The next day I was thrown from a mini-bus and expected to die on the road in Malawi, Africa. But God had different plans.

    I sit here awed and speechless at the power and love of Christ. What should have brought tragedy and destruction has bloomed into new life and joy. I owe my life to Jesus and I am eternally grateful.

    After the crash, as many of you know, I wasn't supposed to live. Flipping an estimated five times, I was ejected out the window and suffered a neck, back, and skull fracture. In addition, both my lungs were punctured and I had what is considered a traumatic brain injury. Not to mention, this happened in the small country of Malawi in the middle of nowhere. But even through all this, God had His hand over me. Ten months in Malawi without even a glimpse of an ambulance and two crest the hill minutes after the accident. In a country that contains only four ventilators, three were already in use. This left only one for me which was necessary for my survival. The mission organization of African Bible Colleges for whom I work, raised 50,000 dollars to airlift me to South Africa. I survived twenty-four hours in the rural country of Malawi, and even once transferred to South Africa, recovery was still unsure. I spent three weeks in a coma and had a tracheotomy. No one was sure what I would be like when I awoke. On May 6th I woke up confused but pain free. By May 7th I was walking and by May 21st I was able to fly home to Colorado. Ever since then I have been quickly recovering and regaining strength.

    It brings tears to my eyes when I think how far God has brought me. A year ago I was an excited child, ready to embark on a journey to an unknown African adventure. It's astounding how the year has changed me. Though a part of me mourns the loss of the naïve, daring girl who boarded the plane, I know God has a greater purpose and a new adventure ahead. As I have become broken and helpless, dependent on Him, He has renewed my love, passion, and calling to a broken world.

    With that, I want to make a surprising announcement that some may find questionable. I am returning this year to Malawi. After much though and prayer, I feel an unexplainable and unquenchable desire to return and continue the ministry set before me. My exact date of return is still unknown, and healing comes first. But encouraging news- my bones and punctured lungs are healing excellently, and more importantly my spirit is growing and thriving. I just received the all clear to return to Malawi! I will need support and prayers over the coming months. The ligaments and bone in my neck are still healing, but I will be back to America in December to check on the progress.

    April 15th, 2014 has left me with one choice: faith or fear. I have chosen. I left my fear by the side of that Malawian road. I entrust my life to God.

    "I left my fear by the side of the road, hear You speak and won't let go.
     Fall to my knees as I lift my hands to pray. Got every reason to be here again,
    Father's heart that draws me in and all my eyes want to see is a glimpse of You.
    All I need is You. All I need is you Lord, is you Lord."

                                                        ~Kim Walker ("All I Need is You" Hillsong United)